About this page?

You are seeing this page when you visit your domain (aickchildcare.org) because you have not yet replaced the temporary web page which was automatically created for you when you signed up for your Aspen Solutions Internet domain or web hosting package. This page can be deleted, overwritten or replaced with your own webpage or website. Aspen Solutions Ltd offers excellent web development solutions. among others

Why this temporary page?

If your site does not include this page (either your placeholder "Under Construction" page or a home page you created yourself), your site visitors will receive a blank page indicating "index of" when viewing your domain. If the temporary page on this domain is currently visible, it also means DNS name pointing has been successful and you are ready to begin building your site!

What to do next

In order for a visitor to see your web site at your domain, your site must include a file name "index" Files called "page1.html" or "home.html" or "default.html" for example, may NOT appear as your primary page when visitors arrive unless the server has been configured to recognize them. You should rename it index for them to be visible as your site's default home page.

NOTE: Web page file names are case sensitive.

Wise Words

"Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depends on simplicity."

- Plato